3.1 The VEME DAO

3.1 The VEME DAO

In its primary foundational layer, the VEME DAO consists of a set of 50,000 VEME NFTs. Each one of these NFTs has equal voting rights on proposals moving in and out of the ecosystem to attain decentralization. The initial distribution of these NFTs is as follows:

VEME DAO Founding MultiSig | 20,000 NFTs

VEME will retain NFTs to further its collective missions, invest in R&D, and have the resources needed to expand its core offerings. This will be controlled by a multi-sig wallet from the core founding team and expanded to include different members over time. These will be eventually distributed to PODS as decentralization takes full effect.

VEME Pods | 10,000 NFTs

Pods are sub-DAOs that have their own internal treasury and voting rights to self-government. Development, marketing, media, and each department has its own SubDao (pod) which receives disbursements from the treasury to fulfill its missions. Each of these SUBDAOS will be controlled by its own multi-sig composed of founding members of that SUBDAO, and rotated through a regular proposal system.

VEME Stakeholders| 15,000 NFTs

Team Members, Investors, Advisors, Founding Creators, and other primary stakeholders can get a stake in the VEME NFTs by providing value. Either monetarily in the treasury, or by playing a key strategic role in our ecosystem.

The VEME Community | 5000 NFTs

Rewarding involved community members VEME the company distributes 5000 VEME NFTs to encourage previous and current participation in its ecosystem.

The VEME NFTs are not capped at 50,000 NFTs.

As VEME the platform grows, every DAO that locks up (holds) quantities of 500,000 $VEME in their treasury will be allocated VEME NFTs accordingly, which will allow them to vote and receive distributions. Each creator that contributes X value to the VEME platform and ecosystem will be allocated VEME NFTs. In this way, we aim for the DAO to be fully decentralized and collectively owned over the span of 3-5 years in direct coordination with scaling. Over time, this will facilitate further decentralization, allowing VEME the Company to free up control when the DAO is learning how to govern itself towards the mission.

Apart from providing voting rights, the VEME NFTs hold the following functions:

  • Access To All Events For VEME

  • Access To VEME Channels

  • Discounts on all VEME Related Products/Services

  • Discounts on all digital merchandising and sales

  • Early access to investment opportunities within projects launched through the NFT-based DAO Launchpad.

  • Ability to receive participation weighted staking rewards; 10% of assets coming into the treasury through VeFi, Voltage, and the DAO Launchpad is dispersed between VEME NFT holders upon staking.

Last updated