4.1 Operating environment

Main chain and DAO operating system

The DAO contracts are deployed on an EVM-compatible chain, currently, Polygon is the option. The DAO can migrate to a different chain when necessary. The operating system of choice is a custom-built interface to display information about proposals, manage communication systems (links to Discord, show when calls are taking place, etc.), and the ability to vote on proposals.

10% of the total VEME DAO income stream is redistributed amongst VEME NFT holders. The distribution mechanism is based on how many votes an NFT gave out of the total amount of possible votes to hand out for that month. For example, when 10 proposals got pushed to the DAO and a VEME NFT voted (yes/no) on 8 of them, they will get 8/10 out of the total amount they would be able to claim for that month; resulting in metric incentivizing participation. Currently, DAOs are still coping with participation issues; this mechanism intends to heavily boost participation, handing out staking rewards based on the involvement. Unclaimed rewards go into the treasury.

Communication and alignment

In the end, it's up to “Governance and Operations” to decide on this matter, however, the current suggestion is to use the following setup:


  • Weekly meetings to communicate, organize and take actions between VEME NFT holders, pods, and VEME the company.


  • On-chain voting for incoming VEME proposals with regards to treasury management or protocol management. Consider pod funding, monetary policy management (on a protocol level), or protocol advancement proposals.

  • Off-chain voting for deciding on smaller measures not inflicting treasury management or protocol management. Examples could be about support toolery choices, which events to do where etc.

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